Pooyesh Nemaad E Tehran Logo
A promotional image will be placed here from time to time

Pooyesh affiliate terms and conditions!
Every affiliate is considered agreed with the terms and conditions stated here, so please read it carefully before you signup.

You accept that:

  1. Pooyesh Affiliate Program is still in Beta so problems and bugs may happen which may cause the system to not work properly.
  2. IIllegal web sites including pornographic sites, adult contents, politicals, war couraging, racist or facist or illegal action sites etc. are not accepted at Pooyesh Affiliate program.
  3. Any problems in any form happens caused by Pooyesh Affiliate Program or Pooyesh web sites, Pooyesh and Pooyesh Nemad e Tehran Company can not be held responsible for it and can not be applied to any penalties in any form.
  4. Affiliates receive their payments on a quarterly basis, each three months, if the amount of funds raised is USD $50 or more. If it is less than $50, it will be transfered to the next payment.
  5. Affiliates inside Iran receive their money in Rls. based on official conversion rates at Iranian banks. They can ask for Payment in USD in the form of international money order.
  6. Affilaites outside Iran will receive their money in USD in any possible form they request, including international money order etc.
  7. Any affiliate can ask for another method of payment than regular method, we will check and if possible we will consider it.
  8. The cost of sending payment, including postal and money order costs and any taxes applied is up to the affiliates.
  9. Changes made to these terms will be informed to the affilaites by Affiliates newsletter.
  10. Pooyesh will not sell or use affilaites' information for any purpose other than the affilaite program, to respect their privacy.
  11. Affiliate web sites are responsible for their contents and behaviour, any problem happens caused by them is their responsibility.
  12. Pooyesh may uncontinue the whole affiliate program or any individiual affiliate's account any time without prior notion.

We Accept All Major Credit Cards!
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